How to Clean Your Home if You Have A Bed Bug Infestation

The CDC says that bed bugs are not known to spread diseases. This is a relief for many, as the thought of these pests is enough to make anyone feel itchy. Still, an infestation in your home is not something you want to deal with.

Bed bugs cause other discomforts, such as itchy bites and lack of sleep. It’s important to catch an infestation as early as possible to avoid it becoming challenging to handle.

Here are some tips on cleaning your home if you have a bed bug infestation.

Signs of Bed Bug Infestation

The most important thing to do is identify where the bed bugs are coming from. This can be tricky, as they are very good at hiding. Look for small, brownish bugs in the cracks and crevices of your bed frame, mattress, and box spring.

You might also see small bloodstains on your sheets or pillowcases. These are from bed bug bites. Another sign to look for is black spots on your walls or furniture. These are bed bug droppings.

If you see any of these signs, it’s time to start cleaning.

Cleaning Your Bedroom

Start by stripping all the bedding off your bed. Place it in a sealed plastic bag and wash it in hot water. Dry it on high heat as well. If you can’t wash the items, place them in the dryer on high heat for 30 minutes.

After that, vacuum every inch of your bedroom. Pay special attention to the cracks and crevices of your bed frame, mattress, box spring, and furniture. Don’t forget to vacuum your closet and under any area rugs.

Once you’re done vacuuming, throw away the vacuum bag. If you have a canister vacuum, empty it outside into a sealed plastic bag.

Cleaning Your Home

Now that your bedroom is clean, it’s time to move on to the rest of your home. Vacuum every room, paying particular attention to cracks and crevices. Again, don’t forget to empty the vacuum bag or canister outside into a sealed plastic bag.

Wash all your linens and towels in hot water. This includes items in other rooms, such as the bathroom and kitchen.

Finally, declutter your home. Get rid of any clutter on the floor, such as magazines, clothes, shoes, and toys. Anything lying on the floor is a potential hiding spot for bed bugs.

Bed Bug Prevention

Now that you’ve gotten rid of the bed bugs, you want to ensure they don’t come back. Start by regularly vacuuming your home and washing your linens and towels in hot water.

In addition, avoid bringing secondhand furniture or clothing into your home. If you do, inspect them carefully for bedbugs before bringing them inside.

Call a professional exterminator if you suspect you have bedbugs but don’t see any signs. They can confirm whether you have an infestation and get rid of the bedbugs for good.

Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

Bed bugs are often brought into homes unknowingly. They can hitch a ride on clothing, luggage, or used furniture. They can even infest books. All it takes is one pregnant bed bug to start an infestation if your home. Once they’re in your home, they’ll start to breed and multiply quickly.

Pets can also bring in bed bugs. If you suspect your pet has bedbugs, immediately take them to the vet.

Bed Bug Hiding Places

Because of their small size and flat shape, bed bugs can hide where you may not know to look. Outside of being found in the crevices of bed frames, mattresses, and box springs, they can also hide in the seams of upholstered furniture, behind loose wallpaper, or under area rugs.

You might find them in your electrical outlets, under your dresser drawers, or in any boxes and clutter, you have stored under your bed. They feed on human blood at night and keep close to their food source. You won’t find them roaming around in the daytime, making it hard to tell if you have an infestation.

Bed bugs stay close to their hiding places when they’re not feeding. This is why it’s so important to vacuum your home thoroughly if you have a bed bug infestation.

DIY Remedies

Some people have found cedar oil, blood orange oil, and tea tree oil can effectively combat bed bug infestations. You can add a few drops of these essential oils to a spray bottle with water and spritz it around your home.

Other people have found that diatomaceous earth can prevent bed bugs. This is a type of powder made from fossilized algae. It’s safe to use around your home and will kill any bed bugs that come into contact with it.

When to Call a Professional

Knowing where bed bugs are hiding in your home can be tricky. It’s also easy to confuse bed bugs for another type of bug.

For these reasons, if you suspect you have bedbugs, don’t try to treat the problem yourself. Call a professional exterminator who will be able to get rid of the bedbugs for good. They will also be able to advise you on how to prevent future infestations.

Get Professional Cleaning Services

When the exterminators leave, your home will still need to be cleaned. All the eggs and bed bugs hiding in cracks and crevices need to be removed. This is a time-consuming and challenging task best left to the professionals.

Our team of experts at Vantage Point Cleaning Services—scattered throughout Northeast OH—is experienced in dealing with your bed bug infestation. We will ensure your home is clean and free of bed bugs and eggs.

We also offer a wide range of other cleaning services to make your home look its best, including moving or moving out and regular weekly or monthly cleaning to cleaning up before and after a house party.

Contact us today to learn more about our services or to request a quotation.

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Vantage Point Cleaning Services