Can a Dirty House Negatively Impact Your Health and Wellbeing? (Spoiler Alert: The Answer Is Yes)

A recent poll found that four in five Americans have started to rethink the way they view and approach their health in the past year. Many are wondering what they can do to lower their risk of a variety of problems, from respiratory issues to mental health issues.

We’re here to let you in on a little secret: a dirty house can lead to negative health effects in ways that you probably aren’t expecting.

How does this work? What, exactly, is at stake when you neglect to tidy up and skip the occasional deep clean altogether?

Read on to learn everything you need to know about what a dirty house can do to your health–and what regular cleaning can help you avoid.

Allergens and Poor Air Quality

Those of us who suffer from seasonal allergies know what it feels like to breathe in air riddled with pollen, dust, and other bothersome particles. Generally, we expect to get some relief from these allergens when we head indoors.

Unfortunately, all of those same allergens can and do head indoors. They come in on our shoes and clothing, sneak through open windows, and blow in through dirty vents hooked up to dirty HVAC units. Plus, we may also be combatting our own dead skin cells, dust mites, and more.

Vacuuming at least once a week is a great way to reduce the allergens trapped in your carpeting. However, you’ll also find them in the upholstery on your furniture, the curtains, and in all of those dust bunnies hiding in hard-to-reach spaces.

The Dangers of Mold

Wherever you find humidity and warmth, you may also find mold. Bathrooms, crawl spaces, basements, and kitchens are all areas that are prone to high moisture levels. Oftentimes, combatting mold requires diligent and regular cleaning.

Water damage can also lead to serious mold issues. While water damage often requires maintenance (ie roof repair or window replacement), keeping your house clean makes it easier to spot these issues before they spiral out of control.

According to the CDC, it doesn’t matter what kind of mold you’re dealing with. The presence of mold in your home can lead to new or worsening respiratory symptoms including coughing, sneezing, and more. If your mold problem is severe, these issues can become dangerous.

Many cleaning supplies are adept at knocking out mold problems before they worsen. Whether you’re using bleach or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda, you can fight mold even in areas with high humidity levels.

The Price of Dirty Bedding

We spend more time in our beds than almost any other piece of furniture in your home. In fact, it is recommended that you get seven to nine hours of sleep every single night.

We love to find bedding that is soft to the touch and comfortable. However, did you know that no matter how high in quality your sheets and blankets are, they can still cause health problems if they’re not clean?

Think of all of the dead skin cells, oils, sweat, and bacteria our bodies produce. We also tend to carry things like pollen in our hair and on our skin. Now, think about how many of them get trapped in your bedding every single night.

Laying on or under dirty bedding means that all of those toxins are redeposited onto the skin. For many people with dermatological problems, dirty bedding is the culprit. Dirty bedding can clog your pores and lead to issues like acne and eczema.

The best way to lessen your risk of dermatological issues? Wash your bedding, especially your pillow cases, fitted sheet, and top sheet, at least once a week.

The Toll Clutter Takes on Your Mental Health

So far, we have focused on the ways that a dirty house can cause physical health issues. The solution to these problems typically involves vacuuming, dusting, sanitizing, and more.

That being said, toxins, allergens, and mold aren’t the only problem. Clutter can also take a toll–on your mental health.

Psychological studies have found that keeping your home clutter-free can improve your mood, concentration, and overall sense of well-being. Unfortunately, the inverse is also true.

Whether you work from home or simply wake up and wind down to a cluttered home, that clutter can increase your stress levels. Visual clutter sends signals to the brain that things aren’t quite as in control as they could be, making it harder to focus and maintain a positive mood.

Plus, clutter can slow down your routine. If you’re not prone to tidying up each day, you’re more likely to lose track of things like your keys, your phone, your glasses, and other necessities. It can also be harder to do things like pick an outfit for the day or cook a nice breakfast if your closet or kitchen counters are a mess.

By making sure that there’s a place for everything and everything is in its place, you can cut down on the stress and focus more on the positives.

Don’t Let a Dirty House Threaten Your Physical and Mental Health

If you’re looking for more ways to monitor and improve your health, tackling a dirty house is a great place to start. When your house is dirty and cluttered, it can create more risks and hazards for both your physical and mental health that you can avoid by keeping things clean.

If you don’t have the time to keep things clean on top of your busy schedule, don’t sweat it! That’s what we’re here for at Vantage Point Cleaning Services. To find out more about our cleaning options, pricing, or to schedule your first appointment, contact us today.

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Vantage Point Cleaning Services


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